Composite fiberglass reinforcement rebar technologies are being adopted globally and are rapidly becoming the most sought-out modern building material. This is due to its significant technical advantages when compared to steel reinforcement (stronger, lighter, dielectric, non-corrosive etc.) as well as its feasibility (up to 25% cheaper than equivalent substitute in steel reinforcement).
Technical Comparison between Composite Fiberglass and Steel Rebar

Reinforcement rebar diameters range between 4mm-30mm and are used in various applications such as agriculture and construction/repairs of bridges, tunnels and roads.
For diameters between 4mm and 12mm, the rebar is coiled into a roll to the length specified by the customer (rebar straightness is unaffected by coiling). For the remaining diameters, the bars are uncoiled but can be customized to any length desired by the customer (please note that transportation issues can arise from rebars longer than 12 meters).


Considering that composite fiberglass reinforcement is stronger than steel, the diameters of the rebar are reduced when substituting fiberglass for steel (check the equivalent steel substitute in the chart below)
Substituting Steel with Composite Fiberglass Based on Equal Tensile Strength